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Santi: I am a person who love the beach and warm oce...

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  • 59 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Телец
  • Palawan, Филиппины
  • Английский(Свободно)
  • Businessman
  • 2 ребенка
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 12 мая 2021 г.

  • E-Mail или ID: 1001700646
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Дети 2 ребенка
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Рост 5'8" - 5'9" (171-175см)
Тип тела Стройное
Этническая принадлежность Европеоид
Религия Католический
Матримониальное положение Разведен
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  • Друзья:
I am a person who love the beach and warm ocean water. I read books all the time. I love my 2 Ovcharkas or Russian German shepherds. I love my horses and love collecting nice Italian shoes because of the way it was hand made and very soft and cashmere coats.
I do not smoke. I do not drink. I do not do drugs. I am not on any maintenance medicine and do not even take aspirin.
I do avoid people who lie, cheat and steal so not an honest person. A person who omits certain parts of a story is lying for example. A man is only as good as his word and that goes the same with the woman, meaning when a woman says she going to do something, she better do it or else her word becomes unreliable, like her.
I do not use the word "try" or "I will try" because it tell me that your effort at doing something is not 1000%, and your heart is not into it so you will probably fail at it or not be successful.
I avoid "prima donna" type of women or high maintenance women. She needs to carry her own weight and be independent. and self-sufficient. This makes her more reliable and strong. I like smart women because they are not too emotional so this mean they use their mind more than their feelings. Anger is never ever good. When one is angry, your brain shuts down and your lizard brain takes over. You lose.
Happiness comes from within yourself so do not depend on any one for your happiness. This way you are never ever disappointed. Sometimes just sitting back and not reacting is good. Chill whenever possible. Love life and focus on the positive and delete all negatives in life for this is one way trip. Enjoy the moments because life may be cut short.
No one knows when the end will come so be thankful for the things that make you smile and laugh, for those moments.
Life is good if you choose to make it so, which is why I love the sun and the beach and the sound of the ocean ebbing and the sound of birds going from coconut tree to coconut tree and of the trees swaying back and forth from the ocean breeze.
I am looking for a wife, a woman who is able to think and knows when and when not to say things. She must know and love animals. Patience is a virtue. Life is never perfect just like in 90.2% of all relationships so you have 2 distinct personalities formed by the age of 3 trying to make things work and run smoothly so when things do not go smoothly, patience must come in to control the anger and assumptions.

This is where trust and honor comes in because where is no trust and no honor, there is nothing but emptiness. Honor, trust and loyalty is what I believe in. You must have the same belief.

What is so special about the Ukrainian and Russian people? Well, I lived in Kiev for several weeks and in Moscow 12 years shooting lots of wannabe models for Ford, Wilhelmina, etc to do bookings in NYC. So many beautiful regular women, students, and helping do their book as well. I taught American English at MGU and I remember how going by metro to MGU I would carry several books and when babushkas would see me and stand to offer me their seat which would embarrassed the hell out me and I would decline and thank them very much. Or when my students would all stand up whenever I walk into the class or when I see any person helping a babushka carry her stroller for her or helping a mom pushing her baby in her stroller up the steps inside the metro without a second thought.
Such acts of kindness are what the Ukrainian & Russian people are all about.... ? and I love Putin. He is a kind man... look at his eyes.
Our presidents like Bush, Jr. and Obama are nothing compared to Putin. Bush did his crazy lies and bullied Iraq and Libya. Look at what Obama did by allowing the Chinese to join the WTO, and to do whatever all over the world and for all these things, the Chinese allowed this Wuhan Virus out from their world into our world. The Chinese are one sneaky group and I'm talking about the lying Chinese Communist Party not the regular Chinese people. Obama is gay guy married to a transvestite name of Michael. That should explain it all. He did nothing for his people. If not for the stupidity of Bush Jr. Obama would have never been elected. Obama is nothing but all bullshit.

And so just for brevity, if you do not love dogs and horses, especially Ovcharkas, and warm and rainy weather, don't even think of staying here at my farm. And of course you'll get a cobra once in awhile also but not often.Yes, I hate snakes too. That is the life living in remote isolated areas by the ocean. Quiet, serene, low chance of Covid-19, no traffic, no congestion, no one tells you what to do, lots of maids, plenty of sunshine, daily fresh supply of fish, vegetables. You have your own fruit trees and can plant whatever else you want except marijuana plants?. Lots of land to walk in, a gym for basketball and can be used as a tennis court also, swimming pool by the ocean over your own private beach. Lots of work to keep things clean and running well. Your own airstrip and hanger. Your own gas station, own pier, etc. its a continuous work in progress of development so you need to be smart, clever, in shape and above all loyal to me and my animals.
And something to keep in the back of your head about how men thinks, at least older and hopefully wiser men vs younger men. Granted that most normal men and women are visual and therefore are attracted by beautiful things, beauty is more attractive when it is NOT seen but imagined. As a PRO photographer, I know what makes an image jumps out at the viewer and its not a naked shot. Why? There is nothing left to image. Its bare. So if you think that showing your assets is more eye catching than not, it depends on what you want to attract and what kind of message you want to send across? I will look but nothing beyond that. Are you presenting and painting yourself as a sexual object, a young sexy trophy woman or someone much more valuable, as a future partner or wife, someone to introduce to your mama and family? someone with a future to look forward to and grow up to help each other? I see more sensuality and passion in a shape that needs to be unwrapped than in a gift that's already unwrap. A person's vivid imagination is unlimited after all and does wonders in putting a value on an image. That is photography of women for you. For me, I see more with what I do not see and sex is not what I am seeking. That can be had anyplace. I am looking for a simple uncluttered future... like a minimalist..like a white infinity wall behind the basketball ring in one of my pictures, no corners, clean and white but not placed under a microscope.
As they said, cleanliness is next to Godliness. For example in my house, the bathroom floor must be clean enough you can eat off it. Looking at a full moon while sitting on a beach listening to the sound of the surf ebbing back and forth is pacifying. The moon with all its craters and imperfections are not seen but you know its there. You know there are no perfect images under the microscope so you look at it from afar and admire its beauty.... ahh yes listening to the smooth Bossa Nova music by Jobim cascade from your beach home alone with my 2 dogs laying resting by my side...in silence as they too watch and listen to the surf ?? That is life here... boring but not boring and never lonely. Actually there is beauty in being alone & singular. It makes you stronger not having to rely on another person. It makes you more creative and appreciate life more. So here I am looking and if I do not find one from all these beautiful women, its okay too. I have seen so many beautiful Ukrainian women before in Kiev and now its really so hard to pick one only because they seem to be all nice women. I was even thinking of giving 10-20 women a round trip airline tickets each from Kiev to Manila and back to Kiev just to come here and stay at my resort for a vacation. Give them all a nice time for a few weeks all paid for by me but then with this stupid Communist Chinese Wuhan Corona-19 virus still floating around all over the world and constantly mutating it will be too dangerous for them to travel and stay enclosed inside an airplane for 24 hours straight so forget that idea. Maybe focus on just one woman? Well, the woman who decides to come to me first is going to be the one I will marry. Time waits for no one especially now. If you can't decide, then that is the way life will play out.

We all have turning points and choices in our lives. Most of the time, we can't see them until they're in our rear view mirror.
This is one of those moments.
Every intersection offers several possibilities.
You just to pick the right road. Trouble never sends a warning.
And sometimes, those choices have to be made quickly. A sharp mind, calm under pressure.
You have the right to make your own choices in your one life. Go here, go there. Say yes, say no.
Our life is a gift.
Never put your faith or your happiness in men.
Put faith and your happiness in yourself..

So my question is this:
Is the life you're living right now
the way you want it to be?
Probably not, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
So why am I here? Well, I'm really quite happy doing what I'm doing and living in right now. I am quite happy living alone with my 2 shepherds. Of course sharing this with a good decent honorable woman is much better but I can't find one so be it. At this Ukrainian site, there are thousands of women so incredibly beautiful and smart, it is truly unbelievably. It must be in the water these women drink in the Ukraine. It is so very difficult to choose who to marry. What's in it for them to come and live with me in the Philippines? Well, I do not really know what they are seeking individually? Love many say but I cannot promise love because it takes a long time to develop love. Caring is a better adjective. Its easier to care for someone. A man to treat them decently and with kindness. Of course, that is a given. What about when the sex is gone? Well, the excitement and passion of having sex with a new person as opposed to sex with a person that is not new is a question on a case by case basis. It does not have be this way, one losing the sexual passion after awhile for many reasons like raising kids. It has to do with mindset, on the attitude, on the environment. Does all or most relationship have to end in a Fuck you! scenario? Of course not. It requires work and patience. First, there is the fight or flight reaction. If the individual feels her or his spouse is worth fighting for, then fight. If the spouse is not worth it, then leave. Most leave the relationship just so their environment returns to a peaceful one without the arguments and fighting and mistrust. Who wants to live in a hostile environment full of animus? No one. This is why we are at this website, trying to move on to the next chapter of our story. Will we end up with the same personality that we just ran away from? Well, its a risk. One must go into this new chapter without any expectations. Just the Golden Rule of being treated with dignity, respect and honor. I feel that if I treat the person I choose the same way I want to be treated, it should be a good environment to be in for both. But do I need this now, at this point in time of my life? Hmmm... maybe. It depends on the woman, what kind of baggage she is bringing with her. Sometimes, her baggage is too heavy to take on, especially beautiful women who feels they are entitled to a certain special treatment because of their good looks. I have no need for such women. There are thousands of just as beautiful women who are just nice, honorable and willing to get their hands dirty. This is the person I seek to be with me. So if you feel you are such a person, please let me know. If not, lets not waste our time fooling each other. I chose the farming environment I am living in right now, way out in the boonies developing and monetizing the land I inherited. Its a gift I cannot waste. I am lucky and fortunate to have it. Not very many people have this opportunity so I either do it myself or find a good woman to do it with... Two minds are better than one...
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