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Mathues: I am super compassionate, understanding, cari...

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  • 61 y/o male, Zodiac: Gemini
  • Sedona, AZ, USA
  • To be added
  • without children
  • Last online: Saturday, 15 June 2024 at 03:38

  • ID: 1000632716
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Personal details
Sex male
Children without children
Want children I will tell you later
Body type Attractive
Marital status
Details of the person you are looking for
I look for a female
Looking for an age range 18-53
Looking for a height
Looking for a body type
Relationship Activity Partner, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance, Travel Partner, Pen Pal
I am super compassionate, understanding, caring and honest. I am funny, patient and from what I have been told a genius. I am a humanitarian. I have made very good money in the past being a computer expert and now have turned to international finance and diplomacy. My passion to do good for the world has driven my life for the last decade, yet alone or in unsatisfying relationships. I am very spiritual, more than most I meet. Yet my spirituality is not of the past dogma and dead letter, but rather the embracing of the living spirit in every moment!

When I was 19 years old I came up with this saying, Age is a matter of the mind, if you dont mind it doesnt matter...especially if the only thing that matters is true love, which is the only thing that last for ages. I was very mature at 19 and dated women a decade older than me. I needed more interesting conversation and intelligent dialog than women my own age.

Respect and Honor, along with unconditional love are the foundations for eternal love!! These qualities are are already present when that spark of chemistry is strongest. Then all can be built upon deep soul recognition with the knowing that we are two parts of the same whole.

I have one daughter who is on her own now. I am open to having more children.

I plan on having more than one home around the world and doing lots of traveling.

I have been imagining my perfect relationship for some time and have had deep thoughts and visions regarding seeking a relationship in its highest form, or simply an experience along the path to fully define what that ultimately is. I wish to find the perfect match in a mate and expand our awareness together and love deeper than ever before!

What is a good relationship? What are the best qualities one is looking for? I have done this personal write up for several reasons:

1. For me, so I can really define the woman I want and attract her into my life.
2. So you can see what kind of men really do exist, or what you may not have thought about for your own ideal match.
3. And yes to further explore getting to know each other for whatever potential purpose our higher divine path and soul self’s may have in store for us.

Each of us is on our own personal path of development, expanding love and wisdom. I would not entertain a relationship with someone who is not on a path of self-discovery and evolution. I know I have been on a spiritual path of self-empowerment and greater realization and awareness for some time (about 30 years), for me this is my path to enlightenment and greater conscious awareness; some simply call this becoming more conscious and self-realization.

You are probably going through your own growth and/or challenges in learning to embrace your personal power, confidence, trust and belief in a Higher Power. Finding a stronger self resolve, as this is part of the journey to self-love and personal empowerment. This Higher Power is a force that really does guide your life and growth, and would be enhanced with someone like me as a mirror. It doesnt matter what you call this force or inner voice, it is your personal relationship with a still small voice that is always there regardless if you listen or not. I have heard mine loud and clear, and it I does guide me and is important to me and my personal relationship with my higher-self and my Creator and will touch upon all my relations with others.

I am open and understand whatever form or time line this new foundational friendship takes is its own perfect synergy. Again, I reinforce that I am just here for you in whatever way you wish…any, really, as it is all about being open for more communication and growth; expansion of the self, improvements and forward advancements of the soul, as well as being open to a greater collective unit, if it fully presents itself! Yet every relationship starts with dialog and communication, a discussion that will build a foundation that all else can be built upon. This creates the trust and spring board for intimacy, should there evolve the right level of desire for bonding and expression of feelings.

I am giving more thought to my vision, creation and attraction of an ideal mate. I want to create the most harmonious, balanced, reciprocal, loving, fun, erotic, sexy, intelligent and spiritual aligned relationship that I possibly can. I have spent my life perfecting myself, on all levels, my emotional body, mental body and spiritual body, as my physical body has not needed much work, always been athletic. Yet I will buff up for my loved one if this is turn on for her. And I do wish to remain fit and ever the more fit for self as well.

So, the most important things I want to create in my perfect mate/relation are as follows:

The desire and importance for extremely strong open communication and the skills to articulate it, in a real, authentic and trusting way, with a willingness to be wrong and admit mistakes for greater growth, as well as being vulnerable for heart expansion and deeper spiritual awareness and activations.
The need for a very strong mental connection is extremely high on the list. A mind with the intellectual equipment to be creative and unique so that we can always stimulate each other with our mental gymnastics for many years to come. I would really like to have a mate that is near to same level of mental acuity, curiosity, expression and expansion, with the willingness to grow and expand intellectually and in consciousness with a spiritual awareness of self and surrounding realities at large for the good of humanity. I am a humanitarian at heart and wish to help in large ways, and know that I could never settle for a small impact or none at all. I am the 10 of Clubs; look it up and see some interesting insights into me.

I am very driven about my dreams, mission sense and world cause mentality; I will never give up and always wish to accomplish more. This is not because I want nor need more for me, but because I want to help more people. Money is a tool, it is power and it can corrupt if not aligned with higher intentions. I intend to make lots of money and have many ways I am actively pursuing it. Some say I work too hard and need more balance. I am looking to her for this balance, she should encourage it and I desire being drawn in and attracted to not being at work all the time.

As far as work goes, I just want to be fully supported in what I am doing, as I will for her. She may have interests and become involved in my path as she sees fit. The most important thing is fulfillment in passion and purpose, happiness and independence. An independent woman with strong will and intent for personal success and growth is paramount. I dont mind supporting her financially if she is pursuing her passion and goals and can see that this makes her happy.

My highest ideal is that she will be very much of the business that I am doing because it is very much along the lines of what she feels is her highest purpose. To me this is the most fulfilling; we are able to work together towards a mutual goal, either directly or in the same overall operation.

I want a partner who has their own life, friends and shares what feels right or makes sense without feeling like if every little thing is not shared, then something is wrong. A woman who is comfortable on her own for small stints of time as needed, or longer is she wishes. Yet I would desire fairly constant or quality type communication, by txt or voice as permitted. I am not a person who has to say I love you at the end of every call, because when you feel it you know it. Otherwise it is time to grow elsewhere. This has to do with being secure in oneself. This is the basis of all success and couples for that matter, fortified with self-love. “If you can’t love yourself how can you love or receive love from someone else.” This is from my own book on spirituality and self-discovery.

I desire a woman who is strong minded, comfortable with her beauty and femininity and knows the power of WOMAN. She is confident, strong willed about what she believes, will defend it, yet remains open minded to things she may not have learned or experienced yet. She is in touch with her sexuality and very outgoing, skilled at being social, enjoys travel and can party with the best. This doesn’t mean heavy drugs or abusing substances like alcohol, rather just being at parties and socializing, networking and working the room for the greater cause, while being playful and having fun. I want a woman who is in pretty good shape and wants to stay that way, just physically fit anyways, or wishing to be more so. Who is conscious and aware of health and what she puts in her body. I want these things because I am of the same mind set.I want a woman who can see logic and accept truth when she sees, hears and feels it. A loving woman is not afraid to challenge my logic and intentions if see senses any incongruity in her heart or highest aligned visions for me. I believe woman have a stronger intuitive gift than men and are meant to help guide them in life, love and support.

My ideal woman is one who is sure of herself and really is strong within our bond. I am willing to do my share to ensure this. To build trust, to fortify a sacred bond is so important to me. It is my greatest desire to have my woman be my divine reflection and perfect compliment. That she is capable of envisioning and adding to the same things I am doing because they are what she has wanted to do.
Now, when my social butterfly spreads its wings, I am a bit of a flirt, which is Gemini in natural form. I also have the awareness that I have an effect on people. They will respond to my magnetism, charisma and the overall exuding of my spirit, creational energy or even sexual energy, but this doesnt threaten my woman because she knows it is all hers and only hers and her man is working the room for the divine and US and this power is only used with wisdom for higher causes and opening doors that further the greater cause and our own future.I love the mystery of life, learning and growing, admitting without being egotistical, that I do know a lot about many things, but am always learning and expanding. Even though I consider myself to be pretty evolved I am always aware there is no limit to awareness and all people are equal and have the same potential, even though not growing at the same rate, yet deserve respect, honor and compassion. I desire similar understandings and natural, common sense beliefs in a queen that are mutually supportive.I would hope that my own awareness and knowledge would not intimidate my love. I am hers to assist, support, cherish, nurture and adore all the while supporting her process of becoming as a very high priority. Ready to assist in any way she thinks is valuable.

That she would understand that everyone’s path is different and perfect, never judging the perfect guiding light of another’s soul. That she would not be jealous of anything too much because we agreed to activate each other this time and probably have been together in other life times! It will be most beneficial if she can realize that we each have our own gifts that help make a more perfect whole; a completion of the divine circuit.It is very important to hold each other in the highest honor and respect always, and that our Eternal love will remain even if we are not growing together in harmony as we first intended. Should we separate, we would remain friends that support, love and care about each other, perhaps even more than we did in our relationship, in new ways, meaning the words, “I will love you forever”. Our love will aid each of us in being the best independent person we can be, providing a foundation for our greatest personal fulfillment.
A Strong Sex Drive is also paramount; a desire to break taboos, explore tantric energy and eliminate any inhibitions,
While this may not bring the full depth of bonding I desire alone; it coupled with a great passion for deep soul weaving, which is crucial for reaching places in consciousness that can only be accessed when two are blended mind to mind, heart to heart and body to body. This full merging can only occur when there is a complete understanding, desire and acceptance of mutual mental permission and the full choice to grow in consciousness, as well as expand in intelligence. This is the underlying aspect necessary for the full bonding I envision; a pure soul merging that is designed to create a greater unified presence. This is then a divine empowerment for positive change; when the two can become ONE, then a Great Spirit force is present for a balanced unit that has even greater power to effect far reaching positive results for the world. Clearly the foundation of this must be unconditional love for each other.

The exploration of energy, the use, transmission and receiving of same is very near and dear to me. This can be learned by anyone by the way. I am a very strong sensitive, in feelings and energetics and the delivery of this light force. I can send energy that is felt as very warm touch or without touch. It can be experienced anywhere with touch or no touch, contact, penetration or not. This energy force, also known by other names, such as chi, is very sacred and can be used in many ways to amplify each other lives. I love to explore and am very unconventional, wishing to expand and be open to exploring many erotic and life enhancing things. A passion for love and life that fuels growth and joy is so important to me, and should be for you.

My personal version of true love is very much like this, with more emotionally filled words than would be appropriate to put forward in this format, or at least at this time.

I look forward to a dialog with the partner/mate that I am drawing and magnetizing into my life at this point. I look forward to conversation that is honest, open and has a natural and easy flow to it. Drama and impatience will be our mutual enemy and does not support progress for anyone.

So with this relationship envisioning I call into existence a woman that desires near to the same things I wish to experience and live by.

So be it!
Are you her?

Could you be the Soul Mate at the highest level? This is the Twin Flame!
Ideal match description:
She is understanding, caring, kind, funny, smart and sexy. She is outgoing and helpful. She is health minded and open-minded. I am seeking a Goddess who can see me on the many levels that I live, she respects me, honors me and reveres me, my vision and integrity for truth and goodness. A good lover is extremely important as sex is the super glue that binds us together forever once our sacred heart bond is formed.
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